• Twiga Close, Off Simba Road - (EPZ), Athi River

Call Us on +254 0(20) 7656565

Our History

Top Coffee Roasters in Based in Kenya

our History

African Coffee Roasters EPZ - Kenya

In 2015, after participating in the tail end of the Coffee for a Better Future project, Coop Denmark teamed up with IFU to develop a one of a kind coffee roasting facility in Kenya, so that coffee producers from East Africa could have the option to directly trade with an international coffee roaster within their reach and directly influence global consumer choices as well as tell their own story. African Coffee Roasters has revolutionalised the coffee supply chain in Kenya and globally by roasting and packing roasted coffee ready for consumption in Kenya. This coffee is then transported to your favourite outlet ready for you to pick it! For years we have had the argument that roasted coffee cannot be exported from a producer country on a commercial basis, we are creating a new narrative for coffee producing countries. To create shared value we focus on the needs of coffee producers, identification of existing opportunities at producer level and linking this to the needs of coffee consumers globally and opportunities within the coffee supply and value chain. All the while keeping our operations at African Coffee Roasters ethical and responsible. After all, charity begins at home!

Our Team


Our value chain begins at farm level. It is part of our company DNA to work with small scale family farms and we strive towards having as direct relation ship with as possible


We transport the coffee from coffee farmers straight to our roasting facility in Athi River, Kenya. Here the coffee is roasted and fully packed in consumer units, ready for consumption


We export the final products directly to our customers. More than 150 million cups of our coffee are enjoyed by consumers world wide every year