• Twiga Close, Off Simba Road - (EPZ), Athi River

Call Us on +254 0(20) 7656565


The story of African Coffee Roasters began because of the desire to increase efficiencies in the global coffee supply chain all aimed at making the lives of coffee producers better each day and delivering quality, innovative and ethically sourced roasted coffee to coffee consumers globally

Sustainability has many facets, and every company has a different relationship and definition of sustainability depending on size, sector or region they operate in. As a roasting company catering to the Global market, our geographical location in an origin country gives us a unique angle on our approach to sustainability.

Globally, coffee generates around $200 billion in retail value a year. Only about 10% of that value remains in coffee producing countries, as most of the value addition in the traditional coffee value chain takes place in the Global North (source). We are proud to show the world that it can be done differently, while still being competitive and delivering quality in some of the most developed and discerning coffee markets in the world.

At African Coffee Roasters, we use a coffee value equity distribution model that ensures over 55% of the retail value remains in East Africa.

By roasting and packing coffee in a producing country, we have the opportunity to add value and make an impact in many ways: improved livelihoods for coffee farmers, local job creation and contributing to the economic growth of the region. In the beginning, we had a lot of naysayers who doubted the financial sustainability of our business model, but after seven years of operation, we have proven that roasting at origin can work!

Farmer Relationships and Sourcing Countries

ACR works with Suppliers Who …

  • Are Engaged from the Farm Gate Level
    – Differentials equally distributed through cherry payments
    – Quality assurance
  • Invest in Their Supply Chain
    – EU Deforestation Regulation Preparation
    – Other EU Regulations (Microbiological, Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive)

  • Work Transparently and Traceably

Trace Kenya

Launched in September 2020, the Traceable Organic Coffee from Kenya (‘TRACE Kenya’) project aims to bridge the existing gaps towards organic certification. The project targets 15,000 small-holder farmers in Bungoma, Kericho and Nandi counties. It is  aimed at building the capacity of coffee farmers to enable them to produce coffee that matches the consumers’ and the global organic market standards. This will in turn lead to increased income opportunities and create decent jobs for many along the value chain.


In our commitment to ensure sustainability along our value chain, certifications are one of the tools we use to complement our efforts. We are therefore certified under various Internationally recognized certifications which include;

Memberships and Affiliations

Sedex member logo
UN Global Impact Logo

Policies and Certificates

We take our work seriously and have developed policies that communicate this. We also have quality and sustainability certificates to back this up. You can have a look at them below.

Sustainability Report 2023
1 134 downloads
March 27, 2024
Sustainability Report 2022
1 196 downloads
August 23, 2023
Sustainability Report 2021
1 75 downloads
June 22, 2023
Anti Corruption Policy
1 47 downloads
May 28, 2023
Environmental Policy
1 41 downloads
May 28, 2023
Fire Safety Policy
1 38 downloads
May 28, 2023
Human Rights Policy
1 46 downloads
May 28, 2023
Food Safety Policy
1 41 downloads
May 28, 2023
Health and Safety Policy
1 52 downloads
May 28, 2023